The setting is 2005 after the Dot Com collapse. You remember, when the Bush administration had made clear the oil patch was the investment place to be and Wall Street abandoned digital dreams en masse. Leaving in its wake the rubble of the first digital investment boom. That was ok, investors for the most part didn’t know what the hell they were doing, and some of the startups were, frankly, nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
Left in its wake though was some fine digital talent. Left to rebuild their lives and pick up where they left off. One such programmer was Mark Hansen.

This is Mark’s story. A car guy and computer programmer, who is pulled from his everyman suburban life into a vortex of danger and intrigue.

Revenge and murder in a small company, widens out into an international political thriller, in our time of Orwellian digital malevolence.

It has often been said that Social Security is the third rail of American politics, so it proves to be in 'Another Bite at the Apple'.
Another Bite at the Apple is our suspense novel.
For your reading enjoyment, we present the entire novel here.

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Another Bite at the Apple was written in the tradition of a
traveling paperback. A story that will take you beyond
that chair at the gate and seat on the plane.